In modern life, the fast-paced work and life pressure make people increasingly need efficient and convenient tools to help them complete various tasks. In the field of logistics and transportation, a good cargo vehicle can help you reduce a lot of burden. The Kucha module forklift is an ideal choice that can help you improve efficiency and reduce burden.

Free options for immediate delivery of the entire vehicle

We provide free option services, allowing you to choose the configuration that suits you according to your needs and budget. Whether it's an all-in-one Ai drive rod, frame, or other functional configurations, you can customize them according to your needs.


2 ton load, high-power brushless motor

Our product has a load capacity of over 2 tons and is equipped with high-power brushless motors. This means that it can easily handle transportation tasks under various road and environmental conditions, and has more efficient, reliable, and safe performance.


Simple and reliable module design, remote maintenance solution

We adopt a modular design approach to ensure the stability and reliability of the entire system, as well as ease of maintenance and updates. Meanwhile, with the support of remote control technology, customers can solve problems in real-time and receive timely assistance through the network.


Short and flexible body with small turning radius

We pay special attention to product appearance design and space utilization, and minimize the entire body size as much as possible while ensuring load-bearing capacity and functionality. This makes our product very flexible when operating in narrow areas, and the turning radius is also very small.


We can provide you with the best and most suitable solutions for your needs, whether it's urban neighborhoods or suburban rural areas, whether it's family relocation or commercial logistics transportation!